About a decade ago, as part of the hospital’s ‘Renew Sinai’ project Mount Sinai selected Envision through an RFP process to design and build a memorable donor wall that would celebrate the people whose generosity sustains the hospital, as well as develop a wayfinding and signage strategy.

Envision built an innovative and digitally led donor recognition experience that blended seamlessly into the architecture of the renovated main lobby corridor and brought to life beautiful and meaningful signage and wayfinding. The design achieved the requested functionality, while respecting the busy nature of the space. 

In 2022 the digital components of the original wall were nearing end-of-life and Mount Sinai put out a new RFP to refresh the wall for the next decade. Envision was selected yet again. This work was completed in June of 2023 and has received a very warm reception from the client, and importantly the donors. 

This upgraded digital donor wall was recognized and won a Digital Signage Experience (DIZZIE) award in 2023, under the Healthcare Environments category.